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Monday, October 24, 2005

I Dream of Architecture

St. Peter's
Michelangelo's plan for the piazza in Rome.
Vicci Henderson

Mosques - by Eugenia Toledo-Keyser

Measure by Denise Lebenstein

We measure beauty in Architecture by our own first experiences of home.


Well Aged by Susan Shute

I Dream of Scary Houses

I Dream of Architecture

Susan Gallagher Turner, Lubna Ul-Hassan, Vicci Henderson
Pam Poor, Carol Feiner, Lisa Edwards
Toni Busch Ratzlaff, Carol Henley, Michelle Boyd

I Dream of Architecture

Mary Rowin, ???, Dee Radcliffe
Christine DM, Chris Tessnear, William Charlebois
Lorna Gundaker, Carol Moore, Donna Elio